A Flemish specialty
Flanders is a global player in the domain of breeding and propagating young plants. Which is no coincidence: Flemish companies have a lot of technical know-how. Which is essential, especially in regard to the in-vitro activities required for the production of young plants. Add to that far-reaching sorting and absolute hygiene and it’s clear why Flemish young plants are loved the world over.

Quality thanks to know-how, sorting & hygiene
Flemish young plants offer you the certainty of far-reaching sorting. That has many advantages during forcing:
- UNIFORMITY: Garden centres, garden contractors, public authorities and other clients want uniform batches that flower at the same time and have the same size. This is only possible if the grower can depart from uniform starting material. Forcing of a uniform batch also occurs evenly, which assures an efficient cultivation process and simultaneous harvest.
- SUSTAINABILITY: Uniform batches allow you to gear the care perfectly to the plants’ needs. This results in more sustainable production since water, energy and nutrients/fertilizer are dosed as needed. So, choosing Flemish young plants means less production loss and more environmentally aware production.
- INSPECTION: During the sorting process, a quality inspection is also carried out. In this way you a sure that you will get only the best starting material from your Flemish supplier.
- FAST ROOTING: At Flemish young plant companies, you can obtain both cuttings with and those without roots. Thanks to the high standards during production and selection, you are certain of excellent starting material that shoots root quickly.
- PURE GENETICS THANKS TO HYGIENE: During the invitro process, the Flemish companies observe very strict hygiene. That is why they are able to produce pure genetic plant lines.

The Flemish young plant companies also work very hard to market new varieties. In this way they can meet the demands of new trends with regard to shape, size & colour, but they also offer the great resistance to disease desired. Thanks to constant selection and breeding, Flemish young plant companies create not only plants with a different appearance, but they also improve the plant quality.

Wide range
The Flemish young plant sector is very varied. Which is also reflected in the wide range of Flemish young plants.
A few top outdoor plants are Pelargonium, bedding plants, chrysanthemums, Hellebores, Agapanthus, begonias, etc.
There is also a wide choice of young Flemish house plants: Bromelia, Calathea, Spathiphyllum, Anthurium, Cordyline, Ficus, Nepenthes, Gloxinia, Alocasia, orchids, etc.
And for tree nursery products you can turn to Flemish suppliers for a wide range of the best planting material.